An updated virsion of this would be king. I'd like to see a voice recorder integrated with speach to text and other advanced features. Perhaps custom colors and a dark theme.
If it can sync or link with Google Task, it will be a 5 stars...
Thanks for the update. It works great on Samsung S9
I am enjoying the + Planner app as I am a prior Franklin Planner user for many years back. I would really enjoy it more if it were able to sync across my android devices. And I would absolutely love if if there were also a windows version for my desktop that would sync with my phone and tablet. This is something I would be willing to purchase or even subscribe to. Is there a chance this may be coming in the foreseeable future?
It's a great app to have
This is one of my favorite apps i used the paper version of the franklin covey planer and this app looks a lot like it.
Love it.
Good App
They want tomake it the way they want it to be rather than the way Covey did. Developer does not believe the Roles/Goals page is significant to Covey system and says they have no intention of adding it. However, prior to purchasing app I emailed them and specifically asked if they were going to be adding this feature and they said, "yes," So I bought it and now they say, "No." Roles/Goals are at the very heart of the system and anyone who has read the Seven Habits and First Things First understands that.
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